OMHA Addresses the Importance of Coaching, News, Min. Midget AAA, 2016-2017 (Halton Hurricanes AAA)

This Team is part of the 2016-2017 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Feb 13, 2017 | rgiles | 2458 views
OMHA Addresses the Importance of Coaching
The OMHA has an excellent article called, The Secret Ingredient to Great Coaching with a podcast that accompanies the article.

Our team and Coach Biesenthal were featured with this picture.  I excerpted a few paragraphs that were interesting.  For the full story please go to the OMHA website to read the full article and listen to the podcast.

Excerpted from article……

There’s more to coaching….

The secret to great coaching and a successful performance by one’s team isn’t simply tied to technique, or tactics, or fitness.

What is the extra ingredient needed and sometimes missed?

“The art of coaching is the intangible,” said Vallée. “It’s building the team, it’s managing people, it’s discovering relationships and building your leadership style as a coach. That entire piece is often what is missing. Some of the top coaches are great tacticians, technicians or physiologists but they’re missing that part.”

The key word is trust. And it goes both ways.

As a player how can you help your coach…

“An athlete needs to go talk to the coaches if they don’t feel good about something. That’s the most important thing. A lot of athletes think that shows weakness… but in fact that’s probably one of the greatest mental strength qualities that a human being can have.”

If an athlete shares what they are thinking, the leaders need to be open and receptive to this and not view it as criticism.

With playdowns starting and an OMHA win possible each player can help our coaching staff by giving them feedback on how they can help you.  Coaches coach because they love the game and they want to help you become the best you can be and to see you succeed. 

Coach Beezer is known to say, don’t worry about the things you can’t control.  Control what you can control.  Eat well, sleep well.  Don’t focus on others but on your job on the ice and doing things the right way.  Play for your linemates and your team.  Great advice and words to play by! 

Go Hurricanes Go!