Player Spotlight: Norm Pitt # 13, News, Min. Midget AAA, 2016-2017 (Halton Hurricanes AAA)

This Team is part of the 2016-2017 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Feb 03, 2017 | rgiles | 1349 views
Player Spotlight: Norm Pitt # 13
HH Minor Midget Player Spotlight is Norm Pitt #13 who plays forward.

Norm, I discovered you have a very interesting hockey history.  You have a twin brother, George who played hockey with you, but he now plays double AA for Flamborough Sabres.  From what I understand you played AAA previously, then played AA and now you are back at the AAA level.  Do you find there is a big difference between the AA and AAA?

Yes. I find there is a huge difference.  The intensity is greater and the way the players carry themselves before and after games.  Everyone is more serious about the game, it is quicker on the ice and therefore you are not able to make the little mistakes that you might get away with in AA.

You are not a big guy, but you make a big impact on the ice.  What is your secret?
Deep down I think I am big and I always taught myself to work my hardest.  I have always had to work harder than the bigger guy.

Tell us 5 things we do not know about Norm:

1.  I play lacrosse and stat wise I am better at lacrosse than hockey.
I have a twin brother, George.  We are mirror image twins.
I was in a Wonder Bread TV commercial.
4.  I have 5 siblings; 2 brothers and 3 sisters.
This is my second season on Halton and I am neighbours with Noah Arsenault my team mate.

Everyone is always fascinated by twins.  When someone finds out you are a twin, do they ask you all sorts of questions?
Yes absolutely!

Is there a question you often get asked over and over again about being a twin?
People often ask if I am sure I am Norm and not my twin brother George because our parents might have mixed us up when we were babies?

FUN FACTS – about Mirror Twins
Mirror twins are rare and account for about one fourth of all identical twins totaling about 5 million twins.
Mirror twins have opposite features, one will be right handed and the other will be left handed or a birthmark may manifest on the left side of one twin, but the on the right side of the other.

If Coach was a crayon what colour would he be?
He would be the whole case of crayons and you would never know what colour he would pull out.

What is the best compliment you have received about your hockey?

From your parents:  When I work hard and my parents recognize it, it is nice.

From a teammate:  When my teammates appreciate the little things I do during a game.  Such as the shot I took, the pass I made or the dangle, that’s really nice to be recognized for being a team player.

From the Coach?  I really like when he tells me, ‘I am a fat kid on a smartie’!

If you could pick any team in the NHL to play for who would it be?
The Toronto Maple Leafs because my whole family have been long time Leafs fans especially my Dad.

If you could bring a teammate with you to play on the Leafs, who would you bring?
I couldn’t choose only one because I would have to bring my twin brother George because that would be so cool and I would like to bring either Mitchell Brewer or Noah Arsenault as I have known and played hockey with them forever.

Andrew Reynolds wanted me to ask what NHL player would you like to be on a line with?
Sidney Crosby because my family is a huge fan and I would learn so much from him.  When I was younger I still remember the big goal he scored for Team Canada at the 2010 Olympics.

Who should I spotlight next?  Ethan James

Read Ethan’s profile to see the question Norm wanted Ethan to answer.