Player Spotlight: Andrew Reynolds # 14, News, Min. Midget AAA, 2016-2017 (Halton Hurricanes AAA)

This Team is part of the 2016-2017 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Jan 11, 2017 | rgiles | 1394 views
Player Spotlight: Andrew Reynolds # 14
HH Minor Midget Player Spotlight is Andrew Reynold #14 who plays forward.

Andrew you are a long time veteran of the Hurricanes having played 5 seasons.  Off the ice you seem to be one of the quietest on the team.  Are you quiet by nature?
No I thought I was loud.

I think most would agree that your hockey game is all gas and no brakes and is the opposite of quiet.  And although you are all grit and dish a lot out – you also take as much as you give when it comes to the hits.  

There have been times I have seen you take a big hit that would have rocked most players and required them to sit a shift or two to recover.  You seem to roll with it in a super human way.  Have you ever been injured?
Not at hockey.  When I was younger and practicing dance with my Mom I dislocated my wrist.

Tell us 5 things we do not know about Andrew
1.  I use to be a dancer.  I danced hip hop and tap.
I love baseball and I am a big fan
I love the 80’s music.
I really like math.
My guilty pleasure is watching re-runs of Friends.

Let’s get to know you a bit better.  Have you always wore the #14?  Yes
Why that number?  My favourite number is 4 and 14 has a 4 in it, so I liked the number and it stuck.

Why did you start playing hockey?
My parents got me into it.  My Dad played Junior A for the Markham Waxers and enjoyed teaching me the game.  I also was lucky to have him as a coach.  My Dad has really taught me a lot about hockey.

Your sister, Sara is a competitive dancer and often comes to the games to cheer you on.  Do you reciprocate and go to her dance competitions?
Yes, usually I do.  Especially when she goes to the competition in Myrtle Beach

What is the toughest barn you have played in?
Chesley in Grey Bruce
What made it tough?
It’s old and cold!

From watching you play hockey we know there is nothing on the ice you are afraid of.  Is there anything in life that you are not comfortable with?
I hate airplanes.  I am really uncomfortable and nervous being that high up.

Tell me 2 Truths and 1 Lie about yourself not listed in any particular order.  We will leave it to the reader to try to figure out the lie.

1.  I scored 30 plus goals in double A in one season.
2.  I was very competitive with dance.
I once sliced my sister’s hand with a knife.  If this is a truth I assure you it was accidental.

Brett wanted me to ask you, if you were to possess a super power what would it be?
To be able to be invisible!

Thanks for your time Andrew, who should I spotlight next?  Norm Pitt

Read Norm’s spotlight article to see the question Andrew wanted me to ask him.