Player Spotlight: Liam Galton # 68, News, Min. Midget AAA, 2016-2017 (Halton Hurricanes AAA)

This Team is part of the 2016-2017 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Nov 14, 2016 | rgiles | 1088 views
Player Spotlight: Liam Galton # 68
HH Minor Midget Player Spotlight is Liam Galton #68 who plays forward.

Liam, this is your second season as a Hurricane.  Halton is your home centre but you have played for Guelph Gryphons and Grey Bruce Highlanders.  Having experienced being an import to playing in your home centre is there a difference?
Not at all.  Everyone has treated me as their own.

Tell us 5 things about Liam we do not know:


1.  I played rep lacrosse as a goalie.

2.  I was left handed until my teacher made me use my right hand.

3.  I have 3 dogs and 2 cats.

4.  I had a pet rat named George.

5.  I wore my Halloween Spiderman costume that had built in muscles, almost daily for 3 years.

Your dreams came true and you are playing in the NHL.  Sportsnet is playing a highlight reel of your play of the game.  What is the highlight clip?

I am going end to end and scoring the game winning goal for the Stanley Cup win.

And what team are you playing for?

Toronto Maple Leafs

Athletes are known for their regimented and disciplined workout routines and healthy diets.  On occasion when you do allow yourself a cheat meal, what is it?

A whole pizza to myself.

Getting dressed for a game the team usually gets pumped with music.  What is the most unusual song a team adopted as their song?

Party in the USA by Miley Cyrus

Julian Vander Voet wanted me to ask you, how has the training you did over the summer helped your game?

I feel I am quicker and have more strength in the corners.  My shot is harder and faster.  I also feel my hitting has become more solid.

Who should I spotlight next?  Dakota Zarudny

The picture Liam submitted is him with his Mom celebrating winning the OMHA’s when he played for Erin-Hillsburgh Devils in his Atom year.